All tagged pregnancy

Essential Oils in Pregnancy

Pregnancy has its perks—including people showering you with praise, like “You’re glowing!” and “That baby bump is beautiful!” But sometimes carrying a bun in the oven can be exhausting. Ditch the stress, find ways to relax, and bring on the excitement, because in nine months or less, your little one will arrive!


“Our Mission is to cultivate awareness and enhance education throughout the parenthood transition by developing and producing one of a kind BIRTHFIT experiences through in-person classes and distance learning so that any human has the space to make her/his own informed, intuitively guided choices.” BIRTHFIT

Dilation of the Cervix :: Play by Play

Understanding the stages of labor is a key part of your birth preparation.
S T A G E • O N E {early - active - transition}

Contractions begin, the cervix dilates, and the baby moves down in the pelvis. Stage one is complete when the cervix has dilated to 10 centimeters (cm).

What is a doula anyway?

Growing in popularity and use is the hiring of a labor doula or birth worker, to support the birthing process from start to finish. A labor doula is a support person who has responsibility only to YOU, the mama. She has your best interest and you needs in mind, and works to support emotionally and physically.